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Rabu, 06 Mei 2009
Choosing the Right Monitor (LCD vs. CRT) by Stacy
Unlike other computer hardware, monitors have an extremely long lifespan. With that being said, you should weigh all the options before choosing one that's right for you. If you're having trouble deciding between an LCD and CRT monitor, we're here to help! Both monitors have strong advantages and disadvantages, but in the end, you'll have to determine which one will best suit your needs.


LCD monitors are usually a good investment for several reasons. These larger, lighter screens take up very little desktop space and cause much less eye fatigue for the user. And to save even more space, you can mount them on your wall. Besides their physical attributes, LCDs typically last longer than CRTs and use much less electricity.

Of course, LCD monitors have a few disadvantages as well. For instance, users are only limited to one resolution, which means you cannot tweak the display or enhance any graphics. As a result, the picture isn't always as clear and crisp as CRTs. Another drawback of LCD monitors is their speed--they tend to be a bit more sluggish because the liquid crystals refresh rather slowly. So if you're a passionate gamer, you may want to steer clear of an LCD monitor. As a final point, remember that LCDs have less than perfect viewing angles. Depending on your position, this can sometimes affect the quality of the picture.


Despite the increasing popularity of LCDs, CRT monitors still hold a few advantages over their competitors. First and foremost, they can display images at better color reproduction, which makes them an excellent choice for graphic design or artwork. Also, CRT monitors can easily scale to various resolutions--otherwise known as multisync. This feature is especially useful for watching movies and playing games. Last but not least, CRT monitors are usually less expensive than their counterparts.

As with all commodities, CRT monitors have a few disadvantages as well. Their size and weight is a major drawback, especially in regards to power consumption. So if you're looking for a monitor that doesn't consume much energy or generate any heat, a CRT is probably not the best choice. Also, they give off a bit more light and have a tendency to flicker.

About the Author

The author of this article works for Superwarehouse, an online retailer of technology products including Samsung monitors and ASUS G71G-Q2 Notebook.

posted by prabu rama @ 13.30  

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